Class VertexHandle

Implements a single custom handle for vertices.





active: boolean = true
cursor: string = 'default'

Specifies the cursor to be used for this handle. Default is 'default'.

dependencies: string[] = ...
graph: Graph
ignoreGrid: boolean = false

Default is false.

image: null | ImageBox = null

Specifies the Image to be used to render the handle. Default is null.

shape: null | Shape | ImageShape
state: CellState


  • Returns the rotation from the style and the rotation from the direction of the cell.

    Returns number

  • Returns true if this handle should be rendered in HTML. This returns true if the text node is in the graph container.

    Returns boolean

  • Snaps the given point to the grid if ignore is false. This modifies the given point in-place and also returns it.


    Returns Point