Rendering hint for configuring the canvas.
Contains the bounding box of the shape, that is, the smallest rectangle that includes all pixels of the shape.
Holds the Rectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted. This can be one of the DIALECT constants in Constants.
Minimum stroke width for SVG output.
Holds the outermost DOM node that represents this shape.
Specifies if the shape should be drawn as an outline. This disables all
fill colors and can be used to disable other drawing states that should
not be painted for outlines. Default is false. This should be set before
Specifies if pointer events should be handled. Default is true.
Holds the array of
Switch to preserve image aspect. Default is true.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Specifies if pointer events outside of shape should be handled. Default is false.
Optional reference to the corresponding
Holds the StencilShape that defines the shape.
Specifies if pointer events outside of stencils should be handled. Default is false. Set this to true for backwards compatibility with the 1.x branch.
Optional reference to the style of the corresponding
Specifies if pointer events should be handled. Default is true.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
This is only passed to the canvas in createSvgCanvas if pointerEvents is true
Allows to use the SVG bounding box in SVG. Default is false for performance reasons.
Specifies if the shape is visible. Default is true.
Paints the given points with rounded corners.
Overrides to replace the fill and stroke colors with the respective values from imageBackground and imageBorder.
Applies the style of the given CellState to the shape. This implementation assigns the following styles to local fields:
Augments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.
Sets the state of the canvas for drawing the shape.
Creates a new canvas for drawing this shape. May return null.
Creates and returns an SvgCanvas2D for rendering this shape.
Destroys the given canvas which was used for drawing. This implementation increments the reference counts on all shared gradients used in the canvas.
Returns the bounding box for the gradient box for this shape.
Returns the scaled top, left, bottom and right margin to be used for computing the label bounds as an Rectangle, where the bottom and right margin are defined in the width and height of the rectangle, respectively.
Disables inherited roundable support.
Generic background painting implementation.
Hook for subclassers. This implementation is empty.
Generic background painting implementation.
Paints the glass gradient effect.
Generic background painting implementation.
Paints the line shape.
Sets the scale and rotation on the given canvas.
Extends RectangleShape to implement an image shape. This shape is registered by default under SHAPE.IMAGE in CellRenderer.