Base class for all shapes. A shape in mxGraph is a separate implementation for SVG, VML and HTML. Which implementation to use is controlled by the dialect property which is assigned from within the mxCellRenderer when the shape is created. The dialect must be assigned for a shape, and it does normally depend on the browser and the configuration of the graph (see mxGraph rendering hint).

For each supported shape in SVG and VML, a corresponding shape exists in mxGraph, namely for text, image, rectangle, rhombus, ellipse and polyline. The other shapes are a combination of these shapes (eg. label and swimlane) or they consist of one or more (filled) path objects (eg. actor and cylinder). The HTML implementation is optional but may be required for a HTML-only view of the graph.

To extend from this class, the basic code looks as follows. In the special case where the custom shape consists only of one filled region or one filled region and an additional stroke the mxActor and mxCylinder should be subclassed, respectively.

function CustomShape() { }

CustomShape.prototype = new mxShape();
CustomShape.prototype.constructor = CustomShape;

To register a custom shape in an existing graph instance, one must register the shape under a new name in the graph’s cell renderer as follows:

mxCellRenderer.registerShape('customShape', CustomShape);

The second argument is the name of the constructor. In order to use the shape you can refer to the given name above in a stylesheet. For example, to change the shape for the default vertex style, the following code is used:

var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle();
style.shape = 'customShape';

Hierarchy (view full)



antiAlias: boolean = true

Rendering hint for configuring the canvas.

boundingBox: null | Rectangle = null

Contains the bounding box of the shape, that is, the smallest rectangle that includes all pixels of the shape.

bounds: null | Rectangle = null

Holds the Rectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.

cursor: string = ''
dialect: null | string = null

Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted. This can be one of the DIALECT constants in Constants.

direction: DirectionValue = DIRECTION.EAST
endArrow: string = NONE
endSize: number = 1
fill: string = NONE
fillOpacity: number = 100
flipH: boolean = false
flipV: boolean = false
glass: boolean = false
gradient: string = NONE
gradientDirection: DirectionValue = DIRECTION.EAST
image: null | ImageBox = null
imageSrc: null | string = null
indicator: null | Shape = null
indicatorColor: string = NONE
indicatorDirection: DirectionValue = DIRECTION.EAST
indicatorGradientColor: string = NONE
indicatorImageSrc: null | string = null
indicatorShape: null | typeof Shape = null
indicatorStrokeColor: string = NONE
isDashed: boolean = false
isRounded: boolean = false
isShadow: boolean = false
minSvgStrokeWidth: number = 1

Minimum stroke width for SVG output.

node: SVGGElement

Holds the outermost DOM node that represents this shape.

oldGradients: GradientMap = {}
opacity: number = 100
originalPointerEvents: null | boolean = null
outline: boolean = false

Specifies if the shape should be drawn as an outline. This disables all fill colors and can be used to disable other drawing states that should not be painted for outlines. Default is false. This should be set before calling .

overlay: null | CellOverlay = null
pointerEvents: boolean = true

Specifies if pointer events should be handled. Default is true.

points: (null | Point)[] = []

Holds the array of that specify the points of this shape.

preserveImageAspect: boolean = false
rotation: number = 0
scale: number = 1

Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.

shapePointerEvents: boolean = false

Specifies if pointer events outside of shape should be handled. Default is false.

spacing: number = 0
startArrow: string = NONE
startSize: number = 1
state: null | CellState = null

Optional reference to the corresponding .

stencil: null | StencilShape = null

Holds the StencilShape that defines the shape.

stencilPointerEvents: boolean = false

Specifies if pointer events outside of stencils should be handled. Default is false. Set this to true for backwards compatibility with the 1.x branch.

stroke: string = NONE
strokeOpacity: number = 100
strokeWidth: number = 1
style: null | CellStateStyle = null

Optional reference to the style of the corresponding .

svgPointerEvents: string = 'all'

Specifies if pointer events should be handled. Default is true.

svgStrokeTolerance: number = 8

Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px). This is only passed to the canvas in createSvgCanvas if pointerEvents is true.

useSvgBoundingBox: boolean = true

Allows to use the SVG bounding box in SVG. Default is false for performance reasons.

verticalTextRotation: number = 0
visible: boolean = true

Specifies if the shape is visible. Default is true.


  • Paints the given points with rounded corners.


    • c: AbstractCanvas2D
    • pts: Point[]
    • rounded: boolean = false
    • arcSize: number
    • close: boolean = false
    • exclude: number[] = []
    • initialMove: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Applies the style of the given to the shape. This implementation assigns the following styles to local fields:

    • <'fillColor'> => fill
    • <'gradientColor'> => gradient
    • <'gradientDirection'> => gradientDirection
    • <'opacity'> => opacity
    • Constants#STYLE_FILL_OPACITY => fillOpacity
    • Constants#STYLE_STROKE_OPACITY => strokeOpacity
    • <'strokeColor'> => stroke
    • <'strokeWidth'> => strokewidth
    • <'shadow'> => isShadow
    • <'dashed'> => isDashed
    • <'spacing'> => spacing
    • <'startSize'> => startSize
    • <'endSize'> => endSize
    • <'rounded'> => isRounded
    • <'startArrow'> => startArrow
    • <'endArrow'> => endArrow
    • <'rotation'> => rotation
    • <'direction'> => direction
    • <'glass'> => glass

    This keeps a reference to the