Creates and returns the default edge style.
Creates and returns the default vertex style.
Returns a CellStateStyle computed by merging the default style, styles referenced in the specified baseStyleNames
and the properties of the cellStyle
The properties are merged by taking the properties from various styles in the following order:
, otherwise it is ignored)baseStyleNames
, in the order of the arraycellStyle
parameterTo fully unset a style property i.e. the property is not set even if a value is set in the default style or in the referenced styles,
set the cellStyle
property to none
. For example. cellStyle.fillColor = 'none'
An object that represents the style.
Default style used as reference to compute the returned style.
absoluteArcSize?: booleanThis specifies if arcSize for rectangles is absolute or relative.
align?: AlignValueThis value defines how the lines of the label are aligned horizontally.
means that the lines of label text are aligned to the left of the label bounds.right
means that the lines of label text are aligned to the right of the label
means that the center of the label text lines are aligned to the center of the label bounds.Note that this value does not affect the positioning of the overall label bounds relative to the vertex. To move the label bounds horizontally, use labelPosition.
anchorPointDirection?: booleanThis defines if the direction style should be taken into account when computing the fixed point location for connected edges. See also direction.
Set this to false
to ignore the direction style for fixed connection points.
arcSize?: numberFor vertex, this defines the rounding factor for a rounded vertex in percent.
The possible values are between 0
and 100
If this value is not specified, then constants.RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR * 100
is used.
Shapes supporting arcSize
For edge, this defines the absolute size of the rounded corners in pixels. If this value is not specified, then LINE_ARCSIZE is used.
See also absoluteArcSize.
aspect?: stringThe possible values are empty or fixed.
If fixed
is used, the aspect ratio of the cell will be maintained when resizing.
autoSize?: booleanThis specifies if a cell should be resized automatically if its value changed. This is normally combined with resizable to disable manual resizing.
Note that a cell is in fact auto-resizable according to the value returned by Graph.isAutoSizeCell.
backgroundOutline?: booleanThis specifies if only the background of a cell should be painted when it is highlighted.
bendable?: booleanThis specifies if the control points of an edge can be moved.
Note that a cell is in fact bendable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellBendable.
cloneable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell can be cloned.
Note that a cell is in fact cloneable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellCloneable.
curved?: booleanIt is only applicable for connector shapes.
dashed?: booleanSee also dashPattern and fixDash.
dashPattern?: stringThe type of this value is a space-separated list of numbers that specify a custom-defined dash pattern. Only relevant if dashed is true
Dash styles are defined by the length of the dash (the drawn part of the stroke) and the length of the space between the dashes.
The lengths are relative to the line width: a length of 1
is equal to the line width.
deletable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell can be deleted.
Note that a cell is in fact deletable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellDeletable.
direction?: DirectionValueThe direction style is used to specify the direction of certain shapes (e.g. Swimlane) or EdgeStyle (e.g. Loop).
edgeStyle?: StyleEdgeStyleValueThis defines the style of the edge if the current cell is an Edge.
The possible values are all names of the shapes registered with StyleRegistry.putValue. This includes EdgeStyleValue values and custom names that have been registered.
It is also possible to pass a EdgeStyleFunction.
See noEdgeStyle.
editable?: booleanThis specifies if the value of a cell can be edited using the in-place editor.
Note that a cell is in fact editable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellEditable.
elbow?: stringThis defines how the three-segment orthogonal edge style leaves its terminal vertices. The 'vertical' style leaves the terminal vertices at the top and bottom sides.
The possible values are 'horizontal' and 'vertical'.
endArrow?: StyleArrowValueThis defines the style of the end arrow marker.
Possible values are all names of registered arrow markers with MarkerShape.addMarker. This includes ArrowValue values and custom names that have been registered.
See startArrow.
endFill?: booleanUse false
to not fill or true
to fill the end arrow marker.
See startFill.
endFillColor?: stringSet the fill color of the end arrow marker if endFill is true
If not set, use strokeColor.
endSize?: numberThe value represents the size of the end marker in pixels. See startSize.
endStrokeColor?: stringSet the stroke color of the end arrow marker. If not set, use strokeColor.
entryDx?: numberThe horizontal offset of the connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
entryDy?: numberThe vertical offset of the connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
entryPerimeter?: booleanDefines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the target.
entryX?: numberThe connection point in relative horizontal coordinates of an edge with its target terminal.
entryY?: numberThe connection point in relative vertical coordinates of an edge with its target terminal.
exitDx?: numberThe horizontal offset of the connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
exitDy?: numberThe vertical offset of the connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
exitPerimeter?: booleanDefines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the source.
exitX?: numberThe horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
exitY?: numberThe vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
fillColor?: SpecialStyleColorValueThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as:
to use the color of a related cell or the indicator shapeinherit
to use the color of the direct parent cellnone
for no colorswimlane
to use the color of the parent swimlane if one exists in the parent hierarchyOptional
fillOpacity?: numberPossible range is 0-100
fixDash?: booleanUse false
for dash patterns that depend on the line width and true
for dash patterns
that ignore the line width.
See also dashed and dashPattern.
flipH?: booleanHorizontal flip.
flipV?: booleanVertical flip.
foldable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell is foldable using a folding icon. See Graph.isCellFoldable.
fontColor?: SpecialStyleColorValueThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as:
to use the color of a related cell or the indicator shapeinherit
to use the color of the direct parent cellnone
for no colorswimlane
to use the color of the parent swimlane if one exists in the parent hierarchyOptional
fontFamily?: stringThe possible values are names such as Arial; Dialog; Verdana; Times New Roman
fontSize?: numberThe size of the font (in px).
fontStyle?: numberValues may be any logical AND (sum) of the FONT. For instance, FONT.BOLD, FONT.ITALIC, ...
glass?: booleanEnable the glass gradient effect
gradientColor?: SpecialStyleColorValueThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as:
to use the color of a related cell or the indicator shapeinherit
to use the color of the direct parent cellnone
for no colorswimlane
to use the color of the parent swimlane if one exists in the parent hierarchyOptional
gradientDirection?: DirectionValueGenerally, and by default in maxGraph, gradient painting is done from the value of fillColor to the value of gradientColor. If we take the example of 'north', this means that the fillColor color is at the bottom of paint pattern and the gradientColor color is at the top, with a gradient in-between.
horizontal?: booleanThis value only applies to vertices.
If the shape is swimlane
, a value of false
indicates that the swimlane should
be drawn vertically, true
indicates that it should be drawn horizontally.
If the shape style does not indicate that this vertex is a 'swimlane', this value only
affects whether the label is drawn horizontally or vertically.
image?: stringThe possible values are any image URL.
This is the path to the image that is to be displayed within the label of a vertex.
Data URLs should use the following format: data:image/png,xyz
where xyz is the base64
encoded data (without the "base64"-prefix).
imageAlign?: AlignValueThe value defines how any image in the vertex label is horizontally aligned within the label bounds of a LabelShape.
imageAspect?: booleanThe possible values are:
: do not preserve aspect of the imagetrue
: keep aspect of the imageThis is only used in ImageShape
imageBackground?: stringThe possible values for the image background are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
This is only used in ImageShape
imageBorder?: stringThe possible values for the color of the image border are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
This is only used in ImageShape
imageHeight?: numberThe value is the image height in pixels and must be greater than 0
imageWidth?: numberThe value is the image width in pixels and must be greater than 0
indicatorColor?: stringThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as the special swimlane
to refer to the color of the parent swimlane
if one exists.
indicatorDirection?: DirectionValueThe direction style is used to specify the direction of certain shapes (eg. TriangleShape).
indicatorHeight?: numberThe possible values start at 0 (in pixels).
indicatorImage?: stringIndicator image used within a LabelShape. The possible values are all image URLs.
The indicatorShape has precedence over the indicatorImage.
indicatorShape?: StyleShapeValueThe indicator shape used within an LabelShape. The possible values are all names of registered Shapes with CellRenderer.registerShape. This includes ShapeValue values and custom names that have been registered.
The indicatorShape
property has precedence over the indicatorImage property.
indicatorStrokeColor?: stringThe color of the indicator stroke in LabelShape. The possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
indicatorWidth?: numberThe possible values start at 0 (in pixels).
jettySize?: number | "auto"The jetty size in EdgeStyle.OrthConnector when sourceJettySize or targetJettySize.
labelBackgroundColor?: stringThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
labelBorderColor?: stringThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
labelPadding?: numberThe label padding, i.e. the space between the label border and the label.
labelPosition?: AlignValue | "ignore"The label alignment defines the position of the label relative to the cell.
means that the entire label bounds is placed completely just to the left of the vertex.right
means that the label bounds are adjusted to the
means that the label bounds are vertically aligned with the bounds of the vertex.ignore
means that there is no alignmentNote that this value does not affect the positioning of label within the label bounds. To move the label bounds horizontally within the label bounds, use align
labelWidth?: numberThe width of the label if the label position is not center
loopStyle?: EdgeStyleFunctionThe possible values are the functions defined in EdgeStyle.
See edgeStyle. See Graph.defaultLoopStyle.
margin?: numberThe margin between the ellipses in DoubleEllipseShape.
The possible values are all positive numbers.
movable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell can be moved.
Note that a cell is in fact movable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellMovable.
noEdgeStyle?: booleanIf this is true
, no edge style is applied for a given edge.
See edgeStyle.
noLabel?: booleanIf this is true
, no label is visible for a given cell.
opacity?: numberThe possible range is 0-100
orthogonal?: null | booleanDefines if the connection points on either end of the edge should be computed so that the edge is vertical or horizontal if possible and if the point is not at a fixed location. The computation of the connection points involves the perimeter.
This is used in Graph.isOrthogonal, which is in charge of determining if the edge terminals should be orthogonal.
If the orthogonal property is not explicitly set but the edgeStyle belongs to one of the "orthogonal" EdgeStyle
for example when using EdgeStyle.SegmentConnector or EdgeStyle.EntityRelation, the Graph.isOrthogonal method which also returns true
orthogonalLoop?: booleanUse this style to specify if loops should be routed using an orthogonal router. Currently, this uses EdgeStyle.OrthConnector but will be replaced with a dedicated orthogonal loop router in later releases.
overflow?: OverflowValueThis value specifies how overlapping vertex labels are handled.
See Graph.isLabelClipped.
Note that the vertical alignment is ignored for overflow filling and for horizontal alignment.
perimeter?: null | string & {} | PerimeterFunction | PerimeterValueThis defines the perimeter around a particular shape.
For PerimeterFunction types, some possible values are the functions defined in Perimeter.
Alternatively, use a string or a value from PERIMETER to access perimeter styles
registered in StyleRegistry.
If GraphView.allowEval is set to true
, you can pass the PerimeterFunction implementation directly as a string.
Remember that enabling this switch carries a possible security risk
WARNING: explicitly set the value to null or undefined means to not use any perimeter. To use the perimeter defined in the default vertex, do not set this property.
perimeterSpacing?: numberThis is the distance between the connection point and the perimeter in pixels.
pointerEvents?: booleanSpecifies if pointer events should be fired on transparent backgrounds. This style is currently only supported by RectangleShape, SwimlaneShape and StencilShape.
This style is usually set to false
in groups where the transparent part should allow any
underlying cells to be clickable.
portConstraint?: DIRECTIONDefines the direction(s) in which edges are allowed to connect to cells.
portConstraintRotation?: booleanDefine if the directions of the port constraints are rotated with the vertex rotation.
makes the port constraints remain absolute, relative to the graph.true
makes the constraints rotate with the vertex.Optional
resizable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell can be resized.
Note that a cell is in fact resizable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellResizable.
resizeHeight?: booleanThis specifies if the height of a cell is resized if the parent is resized.
, then the height will be resized even if the cell geometry is relative.false
, then the height will not be resized.Optional
resizeWidth?: booleanThis specifies if the width of a cell is resized if the parent is resized.
, then the width will be resized even if the cell geometry is relative.false
, then the width will not be resized.Optional
rotatable?: booleanThis specifies if a cell can be rotated.
Note that a cell is in fact rotatable according to the value returned by Graph.isCellRotatable.
rotation?: numberThe possible range is 0-360.
rounded?: booleanFor edges, this determines whether the joins between edges segments are smoothed to a rounded finish.
For vertices that have the rectangle shape, this determines whether the rectangle is rounded.
See also absoluteArcSize and arcSize for the 'rounded' settings.
routingCenterX?: numberThis is the relative offset from the center used to connect the edges.
The possible values are between -0.5 and 0.5.
routingCenterY?: numberThis is the relative offset from the center used to connect the edges.
The possible values are between -0.5 and 0.5.
segment?: numberThe type of this value is float and the value represents the size of the horizontal segment of the entity relation style.
separatorColor?: stringThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
This style is only used for swimlane
shadow?: booleanAdd a shadow when painting the shape.
shape?: StyleShapeValueThe possible values are all names of the shapes registered with CellRenderer.registerShape. This includes ShapeValue values and custom names that have been registered.
sourceJettySize?: number | "auto"The size of the source jetty in EdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
This value takes precedence over jettySize.
sourcePerimeterSpacing?: numberThis is the distance between the source connection point of an edge and the perimeter of the source vertex in pixels.
This style only applies to edges.
sourcePort?: stringDefines the ID of the cell that should be used to compute the perimeter point of the source for an edge.
This allows for graphically connecting to a cell while keeping the actual terminal of the edge.
sourcePortConstraint?: DIRECTIONDefines the direction(s) in which edges are allowed to connect to sources.
spacing?: numberThe value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to each side of a label in a vertex.
This style only applies to vertices.
spacingBottom?: numberThe value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the bottom side of a label in a vertex. It is added to the CellStateStyle.spacing value.
This style only applies to vertices.
spacingLeft?: numberThe value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the left side of a label in a vertex. It is added to the CellStateStyle.spacing value.
This style only applies to vertices.
spacingRight?: numberThe value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the right side of a label in a vertex. It is added to the CellStateStyle.spacing value.
This style only applies to vertices.
spacingTop?: numberThe value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the top side of a label in a vertex. It is added to the CellStateStyle.spacing value.
This style only applies to vertices.
startArrow?: StyleArrowValueThis defines the style of the start arrow marker.
Possible values are all names of registered arrow markers with MarkerShape.addMarker. This includes ArrowValue values and the names of any new shapes.
See endArrow.
startFill?: booleanUse false
to not fill or true
to fill the start arrow marker.
See endFill.
startFillColor?: stringSet the fill color of the start arrow marker if startFill is true
If not set, use startStrokeColor.
startSize?: numberThe value represents the size of the start marker, in pixels, or the size of the title region
of a swimlane
depending on the shape it is used for.
See endSize.
startStrokeColor?: stringSet the stroke color of the start arrow marker. If not set, use strokeColor.
strokeColor?: SpecialStyleColorValueThe possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as:
to use the color of a related cell or the indicator shapeinherit
to use the color of the direct parent cellnone
for no colorswimlane
to use the color of the parent swimlane if one exists in the parent hierarchyOptional
strokeOpacity?: numberThe possible range is 0-100
strokeWidth?: numberThe possible range is any non-negative value greater than or equal to 1. The value defines the stroke width in pixels.
Note: To hide a stroke, use none
as value of strokeColor
swimlaneFillColor?: stringThe fill color of the swimlane
The possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.
swimlaneLine?: booleanThis style specifies whether the line between the title region of a swimlane
be visible. Use false
for hidden or true
for visible.
targetJettySize?: number | "auto"The size of the target jetty in EdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
This value takes precedence over jettySize.
targetPerimeterSpacing?: numberThis is the distance between the target connection point of an edge and the perimeter of the target vertex in pixels.
This style only applies to edges.
targetPort?: stringDefines the ID of the cell that should be used to compute the perimeter point of the target for an edge.
This allows for graphically connecting to a cell while keeping the actual terminal of the edge.
targetPortConstraint?: DIRECTIONDefines the direction(s) in which edges are allowed to connect to sources.
textDirection?: TextDirectionValueOptional
textOpacity?: numberThe possible range is 0-100
verticalAlign?: VAlignValueThis value defines how the lines of the label are vertically aligned.
means that the topmost line of the label text is aligned with the top of the label bounds.bottom
means that the bottom-most line of the label text is aligned with the bottom of the
label bounds.middle
means that there is equal spacing between the topmost line of the text label and the top
of the label bounds and between the bottom-most line of the text label and the bottom of the
label bounds.Note that this value doesn't affect the positioning of the overall label bounds relative to the vertex. To move the label bounds vertically, use verticalLabelPosition.
verticalLabelPosition?: VAlignValueThe label alignment defines the position of the label relative to the cell.
Note that this value doesn't affect the positioning of label within the label bounds. To move the label vertically within the label bounds, use verticalAlign.
whiteSpace?: WhiteSpaceValueThis value specifies how white-space inside an HTML vertex label should be handled.
This style is only used for HTML labels.
Returns the default style for edges.
Returns the default style for vertices.
Stores the given CellStateStyle under the given name in styles.
The following example adds a new style called rounded
into an existing stylesheet:
const style = {} as CellStateStyle;
style.shape = SHAPE.RECTANGLE;
style.perimeter = PERIMETER.RECTANGLE;
style.rounded = true;
graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('rounded', style);
Note that not all properties will be interpreted by all shapes. For example, the 'line' shape ignores the fill color. The final call to this method associates the style with a name in the stylesheet.
The style is used in a cell with the following code:
// model is an instance of GraphDataModel
// style is an instance of CellStyle
model.setStyle(cell, { baseStyleNames: ['rounded'] });
Name for the style to be stored.
The instance of the style to be stored.
Sets the default style for edges using defaultEdge
as the style name.
The style to be stored.
Sets the default style for vertices using defaultVertex
as the style name.
The style to be stored.
Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph. See putCellStyle for an example of creating a new cell style.
Existing styles can be cloned using clone and turned into a string for debugging using toString.
Default Styles
The stylesheet contains two built-in styles, which are used if no style is defined for a cell:
: default style for verticesdefaultEdge
: default style for edgesExample