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    Type Alias PerimeterFunction

    PerimeterFunction: (
        bounds: Rectangle,
        vertex: CellState,
        next: Point,
        orthogonal: boolean,
    ) => Point | null

    Describes a perimeter for the given bounds.

    Type declaration

      • (
            bounds: Rectangle,
            vertex: CellState,
            next: Point,
            orthogonal: boolean,
        ): Point | null
      • Parameters

        • bounds: Rectangle

          the Rectangle that represents the absolute bounds of the vertex.

        • vertex: CellState

          the CellState that represents the vertex.

        • next: Point

          the Point that represents the nearest neighbour point on the given edge.

        • orthogonal: boolean

          Boolean that specifies if the orthogonal projection onto the perimeter should be returned. If this is false, then the intersection of the perimeter and the line between the next and the center point is returned.

        Returns Point | null

        the resulting Point projected to the perimeter.