Type Alias CellStyle

CellStyle: CellStateStyle & {
    baseStyleNames?: string[];
    ignoreDefaultStyle?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • OptionalbaseStyleNames?: string[]

    Names of styles used to fill properties before applying the specific properties defined in CellStateStyle.

    Here's the initial algorithm for populating properties:

    • Take the style name in order from the table
    • Retrieve the style associated with the style registered in StyleSheet. Ignore unknown styles
    • Merge the current style with the style retrieved from StyleSheet.

    Once the initial population of properties is complete, merge the style with the properties defined CellStateStyle.

    NOTE*: the order of styles in the array is important: if the same property is defined in several styles, the value actually used is that defined in the last style declared in the array.

  • OptionalignoreDefaultStyle?: boolean

    If set to true, ignores the default style when computing the actual style for a cell. The baseStyleNames are still taken into account.

