geometryClass?: typeof GeometryOptional
height?: numberIt is mandatory to set this value or the size property.
id?: stringOptional string that defines the id of the new vertex. If not set, the id is auto-generated when creating the vertex.
parent?: Cell | nullThe parent of the new vertex. If not set, use the default parent.
position?: [number, number]Fallback when the x or the y properties are not set. Order of the elements: x, y
NOTE: If the position of the vertex is not set at vertex creation (by setting the x or the y properties or this property), it is advised to use a GraphLayout or a LayoutManager to automatically compute the actual position.
relative?: booleanSpecifies if the geometry is relative.
size?: [number, number]Fallback when the width or the height properties are not set. Order of the elements: width, height
NOTE: If the size of the vertex is not set at vertex creation (by setting the width and the height properties or this property), it is advised to later set the size on the geometry of the vertex instance. Otherwise, the vertex has no size and it is not displayed.
style?: CellStyleOptional
value?: anyObject to be used as the user object which is generally used to display the label of the vertex. The default implementation handles string
width?: numberIt is mandatory to set this value or the size property.
x?: numberIt is mandatory to set this value or the position property.
y?: numberIt is mandatory to set this value or the position property.
Class reference to a class derived from Geometry. This can be useful for defining custom constraints.