Constructs an event handler that displays tooltips.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
if this handler was destroyed using onDestroy.
divSpecifies if events are handled.
Reference to the enclosing Graph.
Specifies if the tooltip should be hidden if the mouse is moved over the current cell.
Specifies if touch and pen events should be ignored.
Specifies the zIndex for the tooltip and its shadow.
pluginReturns the
Returns true
if events are handled.
This implementation returns enabled.
Returns hideOnHover.
Handles the event by initiating a rubberband selection. By consuming the event all subsequent events of the gesture are redirected to this handler.
Handles the event by updating the rubberband selection.
Handles the event by resetting the tooltip timer or hiding the existing tooltip.
Resets and/or restarts the timer to trigger the display of the tooltip.
Enables or disables event handling.
This implementation updates enabled.
Graph event handler that displays tooltips.
Graph#getTooltip is used to get the tooltip for a cell or handle.
This handler is generally enabled using Graph#setTooltips.