Class SwimlaneManager

Manager for swimlanes and nested swimlanes that sets the size of newly added swimlanes to that of their siblings, and propagates changes to the size of a swimlane to its siblings, if siblings is true, and its ancestors, if bubbling is true.

Hierarchy (view full)



addEnabled: boolean = true

Specifies if newly added cells should be resized to match the size of their existing siblings.

addHandler: ((sender: EventSource, evt: EventObject) => void)

Holds the function that handles the move event.

enabled: boolean = true

Specifies if event handling is enabled.

eventListeners: EventListenerObject[] = []

Holds the event names and associated listeners in an array. The array contains the event name followed by the respective listener for each registered listener.

eventsEnabled: boolean = true

Specifies if events can be fired. Default is true.

eventSource: null | EventTarget = null

Optional source for events. Default is null.

graph: Graph

Reference to the enclosing graph.

horizontal: boolean = true

Specifies the orientation of the swimlanes.

resizeEnabled: boolean = true

Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.

resizeHandler: ((sender: EventSource, evt: EventObject) => void)

Holds the function that handles the move event.


  • Binds the specified function to the given event name. If no event name is given, then the listener is registered for all events.

    The parameters of the listener are the sender and an EventObject.


    • name: string
    • funct: Function

    Returns void

  • Dispatches the given event to the listeners which are registered for the event. The sender argument is optional. The current execution scope ("this") is used for the listener invocation (see Utils#bind).


    fireEvent(new mxEventObject("eventName", key1, val1, .., keyN, valN))


    • evt: EventObject

      EventObject that represents the event.

    • sender: null | EventTarget = null

      Optional sender to be passed to the listener. Default value is the return value of .

    Returns void

  • Returns true if the given cell is horizontal. If the given cell is not a swimlane, then the global orientation is returned.


    Returns boolean

  • Called from cellsResized for all swimlanes that are not ignored to update the size of the siblings and the size of the parent swimlanes, recursively, if bubbling is true.


    • swimlane: Cell

      mxCell whose size has changed.

    • w: number
    • h: number
    • parentHorizontal: boolean

    Returns void

  • Updates the size of the given swimlane to match that of any existing siblings swimlanes.


    • swimlane: Cell

      mxCell that represents the new swimlane.

    Returns void