Class RubberBandHandler

Event handler that selects rectangular regions.

IMPORTANT: This is not built-into maxGraph i.e. this plugin is not in the maxGraph default plugins, see getDefaultPlugins.

To enable rubberband selection in a graph, use the following code.

const plugins = [
...getDefaultPlugins(), // or any other plugins you want

// Creates the graph with the custom plugins
const graph = new Graph(container, undefined, plugins);

IMPORTANT: the RubberBandHandler requires CSS styles in order to work properly. See the CSS rules in the css/common.css file provided within the npm package. They relate to the .mxRubberband class.




currentX: number = 0

Holds the value of the x argument in the last call to .

currentY: number = 0

Holds the value of the y argument in the last call to .

defaultOpacity: number = 20

Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div. Default is 20.

destroyed: boolean = false
div: null | HTMLElement = null

Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.

dragHandler: null | ((evt: MouseEvent) => void) = null
dropHandler: null | ((evt: MouseEvent) => void) = null
enabled: boolean = true

Specifies if events are handled. Default is true.

fadeOut: boolean = false

Optional fade out effect. Default is false.

first: null | Point = null
forceRubberbandHandler: Function
gestureHandler: Function
graph: Graph
height: number = 0
panHandler: Function
sharedDiv: null | HTMLElement = null

Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.

width: number = 0
x: number = 0
y: number = 0
pluginId: string = 'RubberBandHandler'


  • Resets the state of this handler and selects the current region for the given event.


    • evt: MouseEvent

    Returns void