Specifies if events are handled. Default is true.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Specifies the color for the highlight. Default is DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR.
Image to be used as the image for fixed connection points.
Create the shape used to paint the highlight.
Returns true if the given icon intersects the given point.
Destroys the focusHighlight if one exists.
Destroys the focusIcons if they exist.
Returns the cell for the given event.
Returns the tolerance to be used for intersecting connection points.
Returns the tolerance to be used for intersecting connection points. This implementation returns mxGraph.tolerance.
mxMouseEvent whose tolerance should be returned.
Returns true if the given icon intersects the given rectangle.
Returns true if events are handled. This implementation returns enabled.
Returns true if the given mxMouseEvent should be ignored in update. This implementation always returns false.
Returns true if the current focused state should not be changed for the given event. This returns true if shift and alt are pressed.
Enables or disables event handling. This implementation updates enabled.
Boolean that specifies the new enabled state.
Transfers the focus to the given state as a source or target terminal. If the handler is not enabled then the outline is painted, but the constraints are ignored.
Updates the state of this handler based on the given mxMouseEvent. Source is a boolean indicating if the cell is a source or target.
Handles constraints on connection targets. This class is in charge of showing fixed points when the mouse is over a vertex and handles constraints to establish new connections.