Editor Input/Output
This tutorial is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
It is adapted from the original mxGraph tutorial.
Copyright 2021-present The maxGraph project Contributors
Copyright (c) JGraph Ltd 2006-2017
See the dedicated codecs page for more information on how to use codecs.
For encoding other objects, or if no editor instance is available, the Codec can be used to create and read XML data.
The save
, open
, readGraphModel
and writeGraphModel
functions implement a standard mechanism for handling files in Editor.
The default implementation of Editor.save
is called with an argument to indicate if the save was triggered by the user or by the system.
It then uses the urlPost
variable of the editor object to check if a post request should be issued.
If the variable is defined, the editor issues a post request to the specified URL passing the XML along as a POST variable called xml.
As an example, consider the following PHP file which is located in the same directory as the HTML page.
If the filename is server.php
then the urlPost
variable must be set to server.php
on the editor in order to post the diagram to the server.
The PHP file will get the XML from the POST request and write it to a file called diagram.xml
// Validate request method
exit('Method not allowed');
$xml = $_POST['xml'] ?? null;
if ($xml != null) {
// Validate XML content
if (!simplexml_load_string($xml)) {
exit('Invalid XML');
fputs($fh, stripslashes($xml));
To set the URL to post to, change the respective entry in the Editor
node of the config file as follows:
<Editor urlPost="http://www.example.com/server.php" ... >
Keep in mind that the JavaScript can only post to the server where it originated from, so we recommend to use relative URLs, e.g. server.php
Form Fields
If you need to read/write the graph from/to a string (e.g. to fill a form-field), you can use the following methods:
const data = editor.writeGraphModel();