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maxGraph is a TypeScript library which can display and allow interaction with vector diagrams. At a high level, it provides:

  • Nodes, also known as vertices which are typically represented by shapes like rectangles.
  • Edges which can be lines and arrows which normally point between one node and another.

It provides many of the diagramming features which would be expected by a piece of presentation software like Microsoft® PowerPoint™ or LibreOffice® Impress such as being able to resize, move or rotate nodes, but has a stronger focus on automatic layout algorithms and applications of Graph Theory. It is suited towards software which requires finer-grained customization of functionality than off-the-shelf packages.

About this documentation


The documentation hosted at includes the latest development changes.

To visualize the documentation for a specific version (and the corresponding demo):

  • First, download the archive of the website attached to the related release. Documentation archives are available as of version 0.10.3.
  • Decompress the archive (it may include archives, in this case decompress them)
  • Rename the root folder to maxGraph (the case matters!)
  • From the parent of the root folder, start a webserver with a command like npx http-server -c-1
  • The website will be available at http://localhost:8080/maxGraph/ (or something similar)

Quick Start

To know how to install maxGraph and how to implement a first example, take a look at the Getting Started guide.

Next Steps

Let's continue with the Manual to understand the maxGraph concepts.

For more information on how to use specific features, please refer to the Usage documentation.