Class SwimlaneLayout

A hierarchical layout algorithm.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Constructs a new hierarchical layout algorithm.


    • graph: Graph

      Reference to the enclosing Graph.

    • orientation: null | DIRECTION

      Optional constant that defines the orientation of this layout. Default is DIRECTION_NORTH.

    • deterministic: boolean = true

      Optional boolean that specifies if this layout should be deterministic. Default is true.

    Returns SwimlaneLayout


deterministic: boolean
disableEdgeStyle: boolean = true

Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result. Default is true.

dummyVertexWidth: number = 50

The cell width of any dummy vertices inserted

edgesCache: Dictionary<Cell, Cell[]> = ...

A cache of edges whose source terminal is the key

edgeSourceTermCache: Dictionary<Cell, Cell> = ...

A cache of edges whose source terminal is the key

edgesTargetTermCache: Dictionary<Cell, Cell> = ...

A cache of edges whose source terminal is the key

edgeStyle: number = HierarchicalEdgeStyle.POLYLINE

The style to apply between cell layers to edge segments. Default is HierarchicalEdgeStyle#POLYLINE.

fineTuning: boolean = true

Whether or not to perform local optimisations and iterate multiple times through the algorithm. Default is true.

graph: Graph

Reference to the enclosing Graph.

interHierarchySpacing: number = 60

The spacing buffer between unconnected hierarchies. Default is 60.

interRankCellSpacing: number = 100

The spacing buffer added between cell on adjacent layers. Default is 100.

intraCellSpacing: number = 30

The spacing buffer added between cells on the same layer. Default is 30.

maintainParentLocation: boolean = false

Specifies if the parent location should be maintained, so that the top, left corner stays the same before and after execution of the layout. Default is false for backwards compatibility.

model: null | SwimlaneModel = null

The internal SwimlaneModel formed of the layout.

moveParent: boolean = false

Specifies if the parent should be moved if is enabled. Default is false.


The position of the root node(s) relative to the laid out graph in. Default is Constants#DIRECTION_NORTH.

parallelEdgeSpacing: number = 10

The distance between each parallel edge on each ranks for long edges. Default is 10.

parent: null | Cell = null

The parent cell of the layout, if any

parentBorder: number = 30

The border to be added around the children if the parent is to be resized using . Default is 30.

parentX: null | number = null
parentY: null | number = null
resizeParent: boolean = false

Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells. Default is false. See also .

roots: null | Cell[] = null

Holds the array of that this layout contains.

swimlanes: null | Cell[] = null

Holds the array of of the ordered swimlanes to lay out

tightenToSource: boolean = true

Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells. Default is true.

traverseAncestors: boolean = true

Whether or not to drill into child cells and layout in reverse group order. This also cause the layout to navigate edges whose terminal vertices have different parents but are in the same ancestry chain. Default is true.

useBoundingBox: boolean = true

Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if it iss available.



  • Executes the layout for the children of the specified parent.


    • parent: Cell

      Parent that contains the children to be laid out.

    • swimlanes: null | Cell[] = null

      Ordered array of swimlanes to be laid out

    Returns void

  • Returns all visible children in the given parent which do not have incoming edges. If the result is empty then the children with the maximum difference between incoming and outgoing edges are returned. This takes into account edges that are being promoted to the given root due to invisible children or collapsed cells.


    • parent: Cell

      whose children should be checked.

    • vertices: {
          [key: string]: Cell;

      array of vertices to limit search to

    Returns Cell[]

  • Returns the constraint for the given key and cell. The optional edge and source arguments are used to return inbound and outgoing routing- constraints for the given edge and vertex. This implementation always returns the value for the given key in the style of the given cell.


    • key: string

      Key of the constraint to be returned.

    • cell: Cell

      Cell whose constraint should be returned.

    • Optionaledge: Cell

      Optional Cell that represents the connection whose constraint should be returned. Default is null.

    • Optionalsource: boolean

      Optional boolean that specifies if the connection is incoming or outgoing. Default is null.

    Returns any

  • Returns the edges between the given source and target. This takes into account collapsed and invisible cells and ports.

    source - target - directed -


    • source: Cell
    • target: Cell
    • directed: boolean = false

    Returns Cell[]

  • Helper function to return visible terminal for edge allowing for ports


    • edge: Cell

      whose edges should be returned.

    • source: boolean

      Boolean that specifies whether the source or target terminal is to be returned

    Returns null | Cell

  • Returns true if the given parent is an ancestor of the given child.


    • parent: Cell

      Cell that specifies the parent.

    • child: null | Cell

      Cell that specifies the child.

    • OptionaltraverseAncestors: boolean

      boolean whether to

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the given cell is a "port", that is, when connecting to it, its parent is the connecting vertex in terms of graph traversal


    • cell: Cell

      that represents the port.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns a boolean indicating if the given Cell is movable or bendable by the algorithm. This implementation returns true if the given cell is movable in the graph.


    • cell: Cell

      Cell whose movable state should be returned.

    Returns boolean

  • Notified when a cell is being moved in a parent that has automatic layout to update the cell state (eg. index) so that the outcome of the layout will position the vertex as close to the point (x, y) as possible.

    Empty implementation.


    • cell: Cell

      Cell which has been moved.

    • x: number

      X-coordinate of the new cell location.

    • y: number

      Y-coordinate of the new cell location.

    Returns void

  • Executes the placement stage using mxCoordinateAssignment.


    • initialX: number
    • parent: Cell

    Returns number

  • The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made. It runs each stage of the layout that has been created.


    Returns void

  • Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if useBoundingBox is true. The change is only carried out if the new location is not equal to the existing location, otherwise the geometry is not replaced with an updated instance. The new or old bounds are returned (including overlapping labels).


    • cell: Cell

      Cell whose geometry is to be set.

    • x: number

      Integer that defines the x-coordinate of the new location.

    • y: number

      Integer that defines the y-coordinate of the new location.

    Returns null | Rectangle

  • Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge. The function is invoked with the current vertex and the incoming edge as a parameter. This implementation makes sure each vertex is only visited once. The function may return false if the traversal should stop at the given vertex.


    • __namedParameters: SwimlaneGraphLayoutTraverseArgs

    Returns {
        [key: string]: Cell | null;

    • [key: string]: Cell | null
  • Updates the bounds of the given array of groups so that it includes all child vertices.

    Returns void