Class MaxXmlRequest

XML HTTP request wrapper. See also: mxUtils.get, and mxUtils.load. This class provides a cross-browser abstraction for Ajax requests.

For encoding parameter values, the built-in encodeURIComponent JavaScript method must be used. For automatic encoding of post data in Editor the Editor.escapePostData switch can be set to true (default). The encoding will be carried out using the conte type of the page. That is, the page containting the editor should contain a meta tag in the header, eg.

var onload = function(req)

var onerror = function(req)
new MaxXmlRequest(url, 'key=value').send(onload, onerror);

Sends an asynchronous POST request to the specified URL.

var req = new MaxXmlRequest(url, 'key=value', 'POST', false);

Sends a synchronous POST request to the specified URL.

var encoder = new Codec();
var result = encoder.encode(graph.getDataModel());
var xml = encodeURIComponent(mxUtils.getXml(result));
new MaxXmlRequest(url, 'xml='+xml).send();

Sends an encoded graph model to the specified URL using xml as the parameter name. The parameter can then be retrieved in C# as follows:

string xml = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.Params["xml"]);

Or in Java as follows:

String xml = URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("xml"), "UTF-8").replace("
", "

Note that the linefeeds should only be replaced if the XML is processed in Java, for example when creating an image.


  • Parameters

    • url: string
    • params: null | string = null
    • method: "GET" | "POST" = 'POST'
    • async: boolean = true
    • username: null | string = null
    • password: null | string = null

    Returns MaxXmlRequest


async: boolean

Boolean indicating if the request is asynchronous.

binary: boolean = false

Boolean indicating if the request is binary. This option is ignored in IE. In all other browsers the requested mime type is set to text/plain; charset=x-user-defined. Default is false.

decodeSimulateValues: boolean = false

Specifies if request values should be decoded as URIs before setting the textarea value in simulate. Defaults to false for backwards compatibility, to avoid another decode on the server this should be set to true.

method: "GET" | "POST"

Specifies the request method. Possible values are POST and GET. Default is POST.

params: null | string

Holds the form encoded data for the POST request.

password: null | string

Specifies the password to be used for authentication.

request: any = null

Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.

url: string

Holds the target URL of the request.

username: null | string

Specifies the username to be used for authentication.

withCredentials: boolean = false

Specifies if withCredentials should be used in HTML5-compliant browsers. Default is false.



  • Returns the document element of the response XML document.

    Returns null | HTMLElement

  • Returns the status as a number, eg. 404 for "Not found" or 200 for "OK". Note: The NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE for invalid responses cannot be cought.

    Returns number

  • Send the to the target URL using the specified functions to process the response asychronously.

    Note: Due to technical limitations, onerror is currently ignored.


    • onload: null | Function = null

      Function to be invoked if a successful response was received.

    • onerror: null | Function = null

      Function to be called on any error. Unused in this implementation, intended for overriden function.

    • timeout: null | number = null

      Optional timeout in ms before calling ontimeout.

    • ontimeout: null | Function = null

      Optional function to execute on timeout.

    Returns void

  • Sets the headers for the given request and parameters. This sets the content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if any params exist.


    • request: any
    • params: any

    Returns void

    request.setRequestHeaders = function(request, params)
    if (params != null)

    Use the code above before calling send if you require a multipart/form-data request.

  • Creates and posts a request to the given target URL using a dynamically created form inside the given document.


    • doc: any

      Document that contains the form element.

    • target: null | string = null

      Target to send the form result to.

    Returns void