    Preparing search index...

    Class ImageBundle

    Maps from keys to base64 encoded images or file locations. All values must be URLs or use the format data:image/format followed by a comma and the base64 encoded image data, eg. "data:image/gif,XYZ", where XYZ is the base64 encoded image data.

    To add a new image bundle to an existing graph, the following code is used:

    let bundle = new mxImageBundle(alt);
    bundle.putImage('myImage', 'data:image/gif,R0lGODlhEAAQAMIGAAAAAICAAICAgP' +
    '//AOzp2O3r2////////yH+FUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBUaGUgR0lNUAAh+QQBCgAHACwAAAAA' +
    'EAAQAAADTXi63AowynnAMDfjPUDlnAAJhmeBFxAEloliKltWmiYCQvfVr6lBPB1ggxN1hi' +
    'laSSASFQpIV5HJBDyHpqK2ejVRm2AAgZCdmCGO9CIBADs=', fallback);
    bundle.putImage('mySvgImage', 'data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeURIComponent(
    '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%">' +
    '<linearGradient id="gradient"><stop offset="10%" stop-color="#F00"/>' +
    '<stop offset="90%" stop-color="#fcc"/></linearGradient>' +
    '<rect fill="url(#gradient)" width="100%" height="100%"/></svg>'), fallback);

    Alt is an optional boolean (default is false) that specifies if the value
    or the fallback should be returned in <getImage>.

    The image can then be referenced in any cell style using image=myImage.
    If you are using mxOutline, you should use the same image bundles in the
    graph that renders the outline.

    The keys for images are resolved in <a href="Graph.html#postprocesscellstyle" class="tsd-kind-property">Graph#postProcessCellStyle</a> and
    turned into a data URI if the returned value has a short data URI format
    as specified above.

    A typical value for the fallback is a HTML link as defined in RFC 2557.
    Note that this format requires a file to be dynamically created on the
    server-side, or the page that contains the graph to be modified to contain
    the resources, this can be done by adding a comment that contains the
    resource in the HEAD section of the page after the title tag.

    This type of fallback mechanism should be used in IE6 and IE7. IE8 does
    support data URIs, but the maximum size is limited to 32 KB, which means






    alt: boolean

    Specifies if the fallback representation should be returned.

    images: ImageMap

    Maps from keys to images.


    • Returns the value for the given key. This returns the value or fallback, depending on . The fallback is returned if is true, the value is returned otherwise.


      • key: string

      Returns null | string

    • Adds the specified entry to the map. The entry is an object with a value and fallback property as specified in the arguments.


      • key: string
      • value: string
      • fallback: string

      Returns void